This free overview into GDPR training gives owners and directors a sense of the impact of GDPR, DPA 2018 and other legislation associated with cyber security or data protection on their organisation. It sets out the background, benefits, impact and some of the elements they should consider when seeking mandatory[…]
This e-learning course is designed to provide annual training in Data Protection for people (workers, members and volunteers) in an organisation (commercial, not-for-profit or private/public). They should have successfully completed Data/Cyber protection training in the previous 6-12 months. If they have not successfully completed the previous levels of learning, they[…]
This e-learning course is designed to update the learning acquired during Data Protection training delegates who are Owners, Directors or Senior Managers in an organsiation (commercial, not-for-profit or private/public). They should have successfully completed Data/Cyber protection training in the previous 6-12 months. If they have not successfully completed the previous[…]
This course is designed to raise people’s awareness of Data Security (some may use the term cyber-security), their responsibilities and the impact on an organisation in an age when data has become a high value commodity and remote/home working a more common form of employment. Of course, the value of[…]
This is a certified course on current data protection or GDPR Training . There will be an assessment of learning on conclusion. You are recommended to take notes as you progress through the lessons to embed the learning and aid you when you undertake the assessment.
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