Chambers Consulting


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Data Security Awareness – Senior leadership Team (SLT)


GDPR requires organisations to demonstrate how they comply with its 7th Principle (Accountability) including educating all their people in their Accountability for data protection.
This responsibility starts at Owner/Board level with their Directors/Officers and cascades to managers/supervisors. It is part of their legal responsibilities in assuring Governance and designing protection by default into their processes: be it a commercial, not-for-profit, or a social enterprise.
Education starts with Awareness raising, then training increasingly related to their role and responsibilities. It is imperative that organisations involve their Owners/Directors/Officers and managers in such training as soon as they take on this role or as soon as possible thereafter. Failure to so do can expose the organisation and individual to the risk of Tier One fines (up to €20M or 4% of global turnover) by ICO and criminal prosecution.


Business is now being conducted with large amounts of data being exchanged between sites and people working from home. In the former case, data protection should have been built into the process as part of modern business operations. In the latter case, there are implications for your business: people will use both the internet and external telephone systems on a greater scale, over less secure systems, to process data. GDPR demands that protection is designed by default into the processes. Human error is still the greatest risk to data protection and therefore your organisation’s viability with fines up to €20M or 4% of your previous year’s global turnover, together with criminal convictions and civil suits/class actions by injured data subjects.


At the end of this awareness course, you will have an understanding of your data protection responsibilities as a business leader, manager or Club Officer.


This e-learning course should be able to be completed in less than an hour and provide certification of successful completion.
